Pristiadi Utomo

Archive for April, 2010|Monthly archive page


In Materi Fisika, Media Ajar, Pendidikan, Physics on 28 April 2010 at 4:57 am


In this chapter we will introduce a new property of matter known as  “electric charge” (symbol q ).   We will explore the charge of atomic constituents.

Moreover, we will describe the following properties of charge:

– Types of electric charge

– Forces among two charges (Coulomb’s law)

– Charge quantization

– Charge conservation

Empirically it was known since ancient times that if amber is rubbed on cloth, it acquires the property of attracting light objects such as feathers.  This phenomenon was attributed to a new property of matter called “electric charge”.  (electron is the Greek name for amber) More experiments show that they are two distinct type of electric charge:  Positive (color code : red) ,  and  Negative (color code : black)                             The names “positive” and “negative” were given by Benjamin Franklin.

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In Art, film, Pendidikan, Sastra Siswa on 27 April 2010 at 6:09 pm

Suatu hari pada zaman dahulu berangkatlah seorang janda ke tegalannya. Di dekat tegalan ada kolam yang keramat nan angker. Tatkala matahari sangat panas, wanita itu beristirahat di pondok. Saat itu dari arah kolam terdengar suara tawa-canda gadis-gadis. Wanita itu mendekat ke kolam. Dari tempat ketinggian ia dapat mengintip tujuh gadis cantik yang sedang berenang bersuka ria di kolam. Setelah puas mandi, dalam sekejap mata ketujuh gadis itu berubah menjadi tujuh burung merpati yang terbang lalu menghilang di awan biru. Read the rest of this entry »